There are many safety devices that you may want to purchase with a baby in the house. Some you may want to install before the baby arrives home from the hospital; others can wait until the baby begins to crawl.
One of the first things that you may want to do is to install a smoke detector on every floor of your home and near all the bedrooms. These are essential as a first warning system to alert you to a fire anywhere in your home. Once you have installed this device, make sure that you have new batteries in and test it to ensure that it is working properly. After this initial test, you should retest it once a month to check the batteries and to ensure that it is not malfunctioning.
Davinci Toddler Beds
You may also want to install a carbon monoxide detector near the sleeping areas in your home to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. This poisoning can occur gradually so that you may not be aware that it is even happening. This detector will alert you if the carbon monoxide in your home is at dangerous levels. You should install this device if your home has gas or oil heat or an attached garage, as these factors add to the danger of carbon monoxide poisoning.
Once your child begins to crawl, you may want to install anti-scald devices in your home. These devices can be installed in your faucets and shower heads by a plumber and can regulate the water temperature to prevent accidental burning if your baby turns the hot water on. Turning your water heater down to 120 degrees Fahrenheit can also prevent burns from hot water.
Another safety device that you may want to install when your baby begins to crawl are window guards and safety netting. These devices can prevent falls from windows, decks, and balconies. The guards and netting fit securely in the window or across the entrance out onto a balcony and deck to prevent your child from crawling near these areas. The bars on the guards should have no more than 4 inches between them to prevent the child from crawling through them. When you install these guards, make sure that you leave one window in each room available to use as a route of escape in case of a fire.
Corner and edge bumpers are safety devices that can also prevent injuries to your child in case he falls. These bumpers should be placed on furniture as well as woodwork and fireplaces that have sharp edges to soften the blow if your child would fall against them. You should check to make sure that the type of bumpers that you purchase will remain securely in place for a reasonable amount of time and once they are installed, you should recheck them often.
Finally, you may want to install door stops and door holders to prevent your child from pinching or crushing his fingers and hands ion doors and door hinges. A door stop can prevent a door from closing entirely while a door holder can firmly hold the door in place to avoid it being closed at all. For door that you rarely use, the door holder may be the better option.
By purchasing and installing some of these products, you can ensure that your baby's home is as safe as possible for both you and your little one.